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The learning environment
We foster an ideal learning environment with an enviable blend of staff with varying experience and backgrounds. We put the learner at the center of the learning process as we seek to teach by inspiration and challenge the learner to be the leader her/his own learning process.
Life @ St. Joseph’s
We foster an ideal learning environment with an enviable blend of staff with varying experience and backgrounds.
Innovation and creativity drive our Work. We focus on using updated and innovative teaching methods that are not only participatory but also involving.
The Debating Society of St. Joseph
Every Thursday of the week our pupils get to demonstrate their oratory skills through the debate program which brings together learners from across various classes who form the two debating teams. The debate topics are selected in consultations between the teachers and the learners/pupils.
Debating Society
Every week our students get to demonstrate their oratory skills through the debate program which brings together learners from across various classes to debate.
The program is carefully crafted to train the leader in research skills, argumentation, rhetoric and respect for diversity Often the debate does not lead to a mutual agreement or shared perspective on the hot topical issues but we train the learner to accept each other’s opinion and respect it even when they don’t agree with it.
Active and Experiential learning
We strive to maintain an active learning environment in and out of class. Classroom learning is complemented with active-out of class learning. In the school bus, our pupils are able to learn through video content displayed to and from their way home. The content varies from cartoons to inspirational talk videos which altogether compliment the learning process that begins in the classroom.
extracurricular activities
We provide activities that allow students to pursue interests outside of a standardized academic context.
We do reckon that learning through observation and experimenting with ideas can go a long way in helping the pupils ground the theories they learn in class.
Special emphasis is put towards learning experientially. We do organize study and site tours relevant to the pupils learning in the classroom. The visits are organized in line with the requirements of the teaching syllabus.